A delicious roast chicken salad made with brown and wild rice mixed together with avocado, apple cider vinegar, rocket leaves, slices of fresh nectarine,...
You have to try this easy to make Mushroom Ricotta Manicotti, which gets its creamy richness from a mix of cream, cream of mushroom soup, and ricotta cheese....
Dak bulgogi is a delicious, easy-to-make Korean chicken dish that's perfect for any night of the week. The sweet and savory bulgogi flavor makes this dish...
With a sweet and savory glaze, this rich and flavorful Corned Beef with Apricot Dijon Glaze is so easy to make! My secret? Tender corned beef is simmered...
Red Snapper is a great fish for grilling. For this recipe you can substitute just about any white fish with this technique, served with a Cajun Cream Sauce...
We love how the maple flavor pairs with the pork and thyme here, and its savory sweetness also helps the chops caramelize as they cook on the grill. This...
They are served with my favorite avocado salsa and topped with a creamy sour cream and cilantro sauce. The sour cream sauce is the perfect sauce for these...
No rice cooker, no problem- with this Vegetable Masala Curry with Basmati Rice, just use your microwave. This simple curry dish is packed with rich flavor...
A super simple way to do a whole fish in the oven. Using a Sea Bass as our main ingredient, we'll enhance things with some ginger, scallion, lemon and...
There's also an excruciating amount of Sriracha - in a good way. JAY actually said that the drizzle for this was spicy, and usually when I start sweating...
This is the final (for now) recipe I am sharing from the Silver Palate Cookbook. It's an old book that first came out in the 70's and I personally believe...
Slow cooker recipes are great for potluck dinners, sporting events, birthdays, Sunday dinners, weekly meals, oh wait, just about every occasion under the...
The French technique of cooking "in paper" gently steams your protein and veggies in liquid-wine, in this case-so barely any cooking fat is necessary....
Dinner comes together in a snap by cooking succulent shrimp and pasta all in the same pan. Tossed with a fresh spinach and basil pesto sauce and garnished...
The fresh taste of the vegetables paired with the sweetness of mango is awesome when combined with the addictive flavors of the satay chicken and the cashew...
I call this recipe "Texas Style Pulled Pork" because it reminds me of the way brisket and spare ribs are cooked in the Lone Star State. Simple, 3-ingredient...
When you want a seafood dish that is hearty enough to satisfy any meat-eater, reach for this one. A simple swordfish steak is seared and then elevated...
This deeply-flavorful short rib rendition builds on memories of that dish - but takes it to the gourmet level - meltingly tender, beefy, velvety and rich....
Yakitori literally means grilled chicken and also refers to skewered food in general. Enjoy this sweet and irresistible chicken and scallion skewers (negima)...
These lightly spiced, juicy meatballs are the perfect weeknight meal, especially for kids and fussy eaters. Meatballs can be made ahead so that dinner...
Whether you serve these for before dinner as a starter or add them to your small get together, I am sure everyone is going to love them. This crispy chicken...
This is a simple pasta recipe: strip two ears of corn, sauté the kernels in butter with scallions, purée the mixture into a sauce, then toss it with...
My take on local Hawaiian-style chili here actually shocks me! It was a staple meal for me while I resided in Hawai'i and has been a favorite meal of mine...
Italian Meatballs are part of the Bible of Italian food. Meatballs are one of those dishes you simply MUST learn how to make, and once you find a recipe...
The chicken will almost resemble Chinese Bourbon chicken. It's sweet, it's salty, and with the tang of the onions and fragrance of the ginger and garlic,...
There is nothing more that I want on a chilly fall day than a comforting meal, and this my friends is what it takes to warm you and your taste buds up....
What happens when you have a bottle of sweet chili sauce, a lime, soy sauce and ginger? It becomes every flavor you need in one bite, hitting the sweet,...
Chicken roasted with a layer of mustard, was incredibly moist and delicious, the flavors of thyme, garlic and lemon permeating the meat. And the fix -...